Two years ago I became curious what it would be like if bots in Nexuiz, my favorite FPS video game, were able to aim perfectly when armed with a "nex" (an instant hit weapon that is like a rail-gun or a rifle). Although this at first sounds like a masochistic experiment for the human player there are cases where it makes human/bot play more fun. Making bots aim perfectly is an odd but effective way of compensating for shortcomings in the bot's AI for some of the more complexed modes (CTF, etc.).
With the moniker "xoltra" I discussed my patch that made bots aim perfectly on the Nexuiz forums, so you can read about it here.
For some reason now, two years later, I got motivated to merge my changes from Nexuiz 2.3 to Nexuiz 2.5. The result is here. If you want the older Nexuiz 2.3 version it's here.
If there is any interest in this I'll forward port it to newer versions of Nexuiz when they are released, but I'll skip Nexuiz 2.5.2.